Welcome to THE PHOTO
The community-run creative photography resource
where we focus on images.

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Image courtesy of NCV- Winner Nov 26th

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Discussion Ideas
What is Haze.
A discussion on haze and how to counteract the effects.

Hyperfocal Size
A discussion on Hyperfocal field size vs hyperfocal distance.

When we look at a two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional scene, our brains imagine the third dimension... a discussion

The Basics
A series of discussions about the basics of photography.

Articles to read
Street Photography Tips

Useful information for those embarking on street photography. Comment or follow the discussions on the forums
Critiquing Photos articles

Useful information for those wishing to comment on other peoples images. Comment or follow the discussions on the forums
Photography ideas

A series of articles on photography thoughts and idea. Some may be a bit controversial, but have a read.
Abstract & Impressionist

A series of articles on the idea of abstract and impressionist photographs.